There’s nothing so satisfying to me as announcing that a new novel of mine has been released. Today is one of those day. “Marva Cope,” the fourth stand alone novel in the Jackson’s Pond, Texas series, brings a new character to town. With her she brings a lifetime of regret, sadness, and loneliness. All that is going to change if she has her way.
When I began writing this novel, I had the idea that it might be about memory and forgetting because the character I had dreamed up seemed to have blank spaces in her life, years of them. I heard her speak of them as her “being under anesthesia.” But as I wrote, I realized she and her life were more about friendship than memory, about lack of friends and why a person might choose that lonely way of being. I found much to learn about friendship as I wrote her story. I hope that if you read Marva Cope, you will pause to consider friendships of your own. Perhaps, like Marva, we can all find it’s never too late to make changes and to benefit from friendship. #marvacope; #teddyjonesfiction; #Texasfiction; #ruralandsmalltownfiction; #jacksonspondseries; #literaryfiction; #women’sfiction; #teddyjonesauthor; #www.tjoneswrites.net; #bluecottageauthors
“It’s never too late to make changes and to benefit from friendship.” #goals
I can’t wait to read this book; seems like exactly what I need right now.
Thanks, Kristine. I hope you’ll find something there that speaks directly to you.
Looking forward to reading the next creation by Teddy. Loved the previous books.